Thursday, October 12, 2006

Steve-A-Reee-No Gets His Wings Clipped

I finally took Steve to get his wings clipped Monday. My Dad came down from DC to spend the day and he ran errands with me. One of which was to take Steve in. I had to laugh at my Dad holding Steve's carrier up to the window in the car so he could see out.

Unfortunately it was not a totally pleasant experience. The place I got Steve from has apparantly changed ownership and I was extremely upset by the "new" store. Baby bunnies everywhere, guinea pigs piled high in cages, reptiles, and it smelled awful. None of the bunnies or pigs had any hay or litter boxes. Then, while I was waiting for them to take care of Steve, I walked over to look at the bird supplies (he needs a new hut) and I couldn't believe my eyes. There, in a little "exercise" pen, the 1ft tall ones used for guinea pigs, was a huge French Lop. She did have a litter box but the pen was waaaayyy to small. When I reached to pet her she didn't even move and her eyes were a little crusty. Granted, Frenchies tend to get what I call eye boogers - kind of like sleep in your eyes - but this was a little more than that, not gooey but crusty. And to top it all off, this pen was on the floor between a cage housing a very loud Macaw and a tank housing an extremely large snake that was up a little bit and staring right down at her. I was mortified. Needless to say I will not return there, I will be finding a new place to have Steve's wings clipped. I cannot stomach partonizing a place like that.

At any rate, Steve is back under control. He pouted for the rest of the day after we got home, but now he's his usual loud demanding little self.


Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Sounds awful, Michelle!

Doesn't your vet do wing clips?

What is it with Frenchies by you? I never ever see them here.

Blogger CB said...

You would not do well to come to the State Fair down here. The hall with all the breeders for the rabbit competition disturbs even me. Hundreds of bunnies of all shapes and sizes in row after row after row of 1' x 1' cages for 2 weeks.

* - disclaimer - to the bunny crusaders, please don't shoot the messenger.

Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

Poor furry friends. I hate pet stores.

Can't you clip Steve's talons yourself? I don't know if you covered that in a previous post. I clip my birds talons myself, wearingn a glove (they don't care for the process) and counting ten feathers forward from the back.

Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

I think Susan has raptors on the brain.

Lovebirds with talons!

Blogger Michelle said...

Susan - I can barely clip bunny toenails, I need a little more time to get up the nerve to clip Steve's wings.

Laura - I should have the vet show me how, it has just always been easier to run him up there and pick up his supplies while I was there. Why on earth would Susan have raptors on the brain ;)

I don't know what it is with Frenchies around here - kind of like Flemmies there I guess, but I have never seen one in a pet store before.

Fiona - You have no idea how much I wanted to bring that bunny home - I have a huge soft spot for Frenchies


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