Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ice Capades!

Even though last weekend was Morgan's birthday, we had her party today. It was an ice skating party and all the kids had a great time. We are thinking of signing Morgan up for skating lessons since she seems to enjoy it so much.

I haven't skated in years and wasn't about to start again today, but my brother and his wife and my nephew came and they were brave enough to get on the ice. You can see Morgan helping Dylan use the buckets to skate along here in the pic to the left.

My brother and his wife made Dylan wear a hockey helmet (he's a little accident prone) and he refused to wear one unless his dad wore one too - here's Charles sporting his gear :)) He got some funny looks when he went up to the desk to ask for an adult hockey helmet! After a little bit Dylan forgot about it and Charles was allowed to take his helmet off. I think everyone had a great time.

After skating we (Me, Doug, Morgan, Charles, Kelly, Dylan, Grandma, and Rob) all went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Morgan and I were humiliated (Thanks MOM) by having Happy Birthday sung to us - today is my birthday - and forced to be photogprahed wearing a huge sombrero. Grandma is in posession of those incriminating photos!

I had to post this last photo for Laura - it was just too funny because I wanted to show you all the new bunny Doug got me for my birthday (he's the small one scratching his ear) and in the process the little red spanish speaking rabbit is poking his head out in the background! Totally accidental that he ended up in the photo, guess he wanted to say Hola!!!


Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Happy Birthday Michelle! Nice that you celbrated it with your family, and Morgan's at the same time - funny sombrero not withstanding.

The ice rink by me has *walkers* sort of like the ones old people use for beginning skaters. The buckets are a good idea, but that must make it harder to skate all hunched over! Not to mention the backache.

I like your new bunny! Where does Doug find these?

And the conejito rojo in the background even looks Mexican! I think he's peeking at the new bunny, whispering *zanahorrias, tengo zanahorrias dulces mi amor...*


Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

Happy birthday, Michelle!

Blogger Michelle said...

Thanks for the Birthday wishes guys! It was a very nice day.

Laura, that bunny in particular is a Herend (I only have 3 in my collection) and Doug gets them at a jewelry store here in town.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining why I'm wearing a helmet and not just leaving it for people to assume I'm handicapped in some way. ;-)


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