Sunday, October 01, 2006

Warning: Sappy Post Ahead

" Something To Say"

Toad the Wet Sprocket

(or Frog the Wet Wheel as my Dad used to call them)

I have had a grumpy weekend. So I have not blogged. Though I have wanted to. Just been.....grumpy. But I find blogging to be a bit of a release.

I know I owe Artwork Part II but not tonight. My thoughts have wandered to friends. I am not a very social person so I have few friends. It takes too much effort and time and trust to make them. But I have some long timers that have stuck by me forever and a day. They are the sort of friends that you may not speak to every day, but you know you can call them up out of the blue and they love you no matter what. My bestest pal in the whole wide world I have known since the eigth grade (since I was 13) and he's the kind of friend that knows everything about you and nothing shocks them. Those kind of people are far and few in between. Special people that you will love your whole life. It takes a lot to be that sort of friend, but it is something that if you have you should treasure. Not everyone is that lucky.


Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Sorry you're grumpy Michelle - go hug a bunny!

What happened?

Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

Poor baby...go put your feet up and may tomorrow be a day void of grumpiness!


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