Saturday, October 07, 2006

A Sense of Accomplishment

Well, after being *grumpy* last weekend, I came down with a nasty cold and have been out of commission. Feeling much better now though :) Just behind on chores and such and with our PB friend Jane coming to stay with us next week there were things that had to be done!

My big project for today was to get this room under control. We call it Morgan's office, but it houses all of our books too. She keeps her arts and crafts stuff in here and well, let's just say I was embarrassed to take a "before" picture. It took me the better part of the afternoon to sort through everything, reorganize the books, and haul out long since used up craft supplies. I can't say much, as my office is in shambles right now too. Files stacked everywhere, piles of paper waiting to be filed or made into a file. I am hoping to tackle some of that tomorrow. I am thankful that none of my business relations ever see my workspace. It would seem total chaos, but I know where everything is!!!!

Off to catch up on reading others blogs now...... Have a good Saturday night all!


Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

Bliss...a clean room.
I think a room in our house was clean like that once.

Good for you!
(I'm embarassed to take "before" photos, too!)

Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Jeesh! Seems like we all caught the cleaning bug!

I hate dusting and organizing my bookshelves!

Is it crazijane that's visiting you? How cool!

Glad you're back - have missed you.


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