Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Artwork Part I

When I was pregnant I was prepared way ahead of time for everything (except parenthood LOL). I had Morgan's daycare lined up by the time I was 6 months along, and her nursery was already done. Hurry up and wait seemed to be my motto at that time :)

There was this art shop in Madison called Catera's (IIRC) and we picked out some prints to have framed for her room. This one is rather baby-ish but I still love it. It has the "Hey Diddle Diddle" poem on it and I just love the animation of the characters.

This one is more "grown up" but a really fun picture. There are tons of animals hiding in the jungle and I absolutely love the colors. When she was a baby this one hung above her changing table.

My hope is that these are prints that she will carry with her and enjoy her whole life. If not, they will be ones that I surely will enjoy with fond memories. Shoot, I may miss her so much when she flies the coop that I won't let them go with her :) This picture on the right is one that I had in my room as a child and it has moved with me each time I have moved, and it now hangs on the wall in our den. Not sure Doug appreciates it, but he tolerates it. I always loved the textures and the fantasy like feel of it.

Sorry for the weird angles on the pics - I took them just this evening and was trying to minimize glare.

My house is rather ecclectic, I like to have things that I like around me, not just things that look nice. And I am a true pack-rat at heart. I can't bear to throw things away, it seems so many things have sentimental value. I can only imagine what one of the "makeover" people would try to make me get rid of were they ever to come to my house. I think they would have a fight on their hands!!!


Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

Hey, eclectic is good! I am eclectic squared>>>
We have painting and art from all over the place in our house. My husband spent 6 years of his childhood in the Middle East because of his dad's job, and they brought back a lot of cool stuff.
Our house: Nothing matches, except the couch and drapes in the living room. But "my" eclectic and designer's eclectic are way different. How do they make it look so easy?

Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

I really like that second print - not at all what I'd expect in a little girl's room and lots to look at and imagine.

I can't remember at all what was up on my walls as a little girl - maybe my mom went for the *minimalist* approach!


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