Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Good Friends, Good Times

Auntie Jane left today. I won't try to explain the whole Petbunny relationship that we share. It is a large online community that share a lot more than bunnies but we have that common bond. I have had the pleasure of meeting 3 PB people in person and it has always been a wonderful experience. I would highly recommend that if you have the opportunity to do so, meeting people you feel a connection with online is a really extraordinary experience.
Auntie Jane was so much fun and I think I will think of her giggle everytime I read a post from her. We were delighted to share our home with her and I know Morgan will miss her tremendously. Peyton has already started to look neglected without his pal :)
It is a small world and the internet makes it even smaller. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed Jane's visit. Bunny people / animal lovers are a special sort and really are an experience. I feel very lucky to have had the chance to meet Jane.


Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Somehow she looks just like I expected she would.

Glad you had a nice meet!


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