Friday, September 15, 2006

My Other Bunnies

I started collecting rabbit figurines about 3 years ago. I have a few others strewn about the house and a few in the yard but this is the bulk of my collection. I prefer the types that have realistic body shapes and poses, not the cutesy cartoony type.
Some I have gotten as gifts, some I have found on e-Bay, some from antique shops. There is one cloisonne (sp) one from the Smithsonian catalogue, and the little red one in the back is from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (He speaks Spanish if you ask Doug - DH likes to joke that the other bunnies won't talk to him LOL). I am always on the lookout for them. I am sure when I am old and gray I will be one of those little old ladies with knick-knacks everywhere! I hope not, I try to only get them if they really strike my fancy. Heaven knows I don't need more things to dust :))
Morgan drives me mad because I have them all arranged the way I want them, but she can't help but move them around so they each have a friend. Silly girl.


Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Nice collection! I like the white ones with blue spots!

People buy me bird stuff - mostly I wish they would buy me nice bird stuff, but you know how it is when people think they have an *easy* gift idea!

Now I feel bad for the little red conejito that no one will talk to.

;-( Pobrecito conejito. (That's today's Spanish lesson in case you're wondering - it means *poor little baby bunny*)

Love the things you come up with to post here - you've got great ideas!

Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

I have started a bird sit-a-bout collection, too. I agree with Laura...people will grab something that has a bird on it and ta da!
I guess I will have to start calling you the same thing I call Laura:

Blogger Michelle said...

*stands up and hangs head*

My name is Michelle and I am a bunnyphile. You see it all started about 7 years ago......

Egads - the "easy" gift. I got one rabbit figurine as a gift that I swear looks like it is cowering away in fear - gives me the creeps every time I look at it.

I did my kitchen in Chili Peppers and I think I have like 3 sets of salt shakers, countless trivets, numerous salsa bowls......

Blogger Michelle said...

P.S. Laura - the little rojo conejito says he knew someone would feel sorry for him *sniff* LOL.

Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Ack - don't let people know you have a "theme" for your kitchen Michelle!

Bird figurines can be bad too, not really resembling any bird living or dead.

Tell the conejito rojo to whisper "Tengo zanahorrias" at the other bunnies - then maybe they'll like him.


Blogger Michelle said...

Hmmmm - let's see, the only Spanish I know is from listening to Morgan play her Jumpstart Spanish on the computer. And cerveza of course :) I took 6 years of French.

A quick google - "I have carrots" Shame on you making me do homework on the weekend LOL.

Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Bwaaa haha!

Teacher at heart - can't help myself.



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