Sunday, September 17, 2006

Do these feet make me look big?
See the picture in the previous post. Blogger is giving me fits and I have no patience to deal with it tonight.
We have a system around here - Chops and Tink don't have cage but share their room with Tater and Mopsy. 'Round about 6pm there is "The Changing of the Rabbits" where I cart Chopper and Tinkerbell down to the den and let Tater and Mopsy out in the bun room. When I bring Chops down I announce "Look who I found" and when I bring Tink down I usually say (pretending to be her) "Do these feet make me look big?"
She is unruly and I have to carry her this way. If I try to carry her like a baby (tranced) she will bite my b**b. Not fun at all. We are working on the handling. She's just still a baby (1yr) and full of energy and attitude. Gotta luv her.


Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

I don't even try to pick up my flemmies, Michelle.

I'm able to do it at the vets, but that's only because they're scared!

I used to carry Mr. Bean around like a football I was ready to punt - not a pretty sight.

Wouldn't want to get bitten (again) on the b**b - Cricket did that once to me already after I was petting Missy - really hurt!

Tink is quite an armful - how much does she weigh?

Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

That waskely b**b biting wabbit!
Good time to buy a reinforced bra!

Blogger Michelle said...

Laura - she weighs in at about 12lbs now - nowhere close to Boomer and Cricket :) Amazing how much more cooperative they are at the vets isn't it??

Susan - there is nothing funny about a b**b biting rabbit LOL!!!


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