Monday, October 23, 2006

Help! Birdie Issues!
Steve has done this in 24 hours. What the heck? I know that feather plucking is a sign of stress or illness but Steve has been acting fine. Happy as a clam.
I got up this morning to find feathers everywhere, and I thought "man he's molting like crazy" until this evening when I got him out and realized he is bald under his wings. Bald birds are not pretty. But even Doug agreed this was not so yesterday, Steve has done this today. What is up?????
Vet city here we come...................


Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Birdy mites?

Don't have a clue, sorry.

Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

All that I know about plucking is that it can be caused by:
1. Stress
2. Boredom
3. Mites
4. Jealousy of a new pet, human, etc.
5. Sexual frustration :-0
6. Missing out on early interaction with birds of their species. (Wild birds don't pluck anywhere NEAR as much as captive birds)
The vet maybe can help you, but alot of the time they can't.
Sorry that I don't have any real answers. Good luck!


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