Sunday, September 03, 2006

Daddy's Are Mean :))
Doug is a typical Dad. Come here, pull my finger LOL. The poor dawgs have learned but Morgan still takes the bait sometimes. Doug loves hot stuff (I promised to stop the music references so I curbed my urge to title this "Looking for some hot stuff" or "Hot like Wasabi" hahahahah) and tonight we had burritos and he purchased some jalepeno peppers for his. The dawgs fell victim, even though they tried to avoid DH their desire to beg overwhelmed them and they both got a little swab on their noses, and poor Morgan did too. We were at a mexican restaurant once and Doug had a side of habenero sauce. He told Morgan if she dipped a fry in it and ate it he would buy her a Barbie. She did. I have to admit the face she made was pretty funny and she got a good laugh out of it too. I grow ornamental peppers which burn like crazy and Doug has been known to run one around the rim of my glass when I am not looking. He's evil :))))))


Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

What fun, to live with a prankster like that. My dad was like that...but he didn't use peppers. He told me once that the meat on the cutting board was roast beef and he cut me a nice thin slice. It tasted funny and rubbery, and he informed me that it was cow tongue.
I am scarred for life.

Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

So did she at least get the Barbie?

Blogger Michelle said...

Susan - Yeah, Doug's a real hoot sometimes :)

Laura - she DID get the Barbie and another toy if I recall correctly!


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