Monday, January 08, 2007

"Strike That, Reverse It"
Any Willy Wonka Fans out there? LOL. I decided that the whole process of reverse blogging was a royal PITA so suffice it to say that the Holidays were busy, but wonderful. Still trying to learn the ukelale - haven't taken my lessons yet - mroe details on that later :)
Soooooo. This brings me to today's post......
A Dilema

We will be going on vacation Wed. Jack, Paul, and Toodles have bonded. Problem is Jack and Toodles are both trouble makers. Jack has always loved the waste basket with paper in it in my office, so I put a brick in the bottom to keep him from turning it over. It worked well until Toodles came along to team up with him (Paulie has no interest in such shananigans). Now I think I will have to chain it to the wall. I spoke with their Auntie Charlotte of "The Hay Diaries" the other day about it and she just laughed and it wouldn't work. With two bunny minds hell bent on doing something I couldn't outsmart them. Hmmm. Next came the NIC grids that were clamped and have been clamped to the bottom of the bookshelf for three years undisturbed. I came down the other morning to find them on the other side of the room.

So, while it is extremely amusing (warped bunny mind control in action) I think that I need to lock Toodles up in the condo while we are gone for everyone's sanity and general protection of my house.

I hate to do it, they all love each other so, but the condo is in the office with them, and I would rather have them safe than worry the entire time I was gone. My ideal vacation includes all my animals - just a maid to clean up after them :))))


Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Do you mean to say that you'll keep Toodles in while Jack and Paul have the run of the place? While you're away?

You are a brave soul, Michelle!

How do you handle bunnysitting? My DH and I haven't gone away together since the bunnies, but I wonder over what I'd ever do.

It's so nice that these three have found each other - even if they get into mischief together.

Blogger Michelle said...

Laura, my office is but a large bunny pen - they just let me keep my computer in here. LOL. They aren't caged but a gate is at the door.

Last year we hired someone to bunnysit when we went to Cabo but she failed miserably. So this year we are just going to have my mom and Morgan come over to take care of them 2 x a day.

Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Sounds like a good plan.

I wonder what sort of mischief the three of them could get into?



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