Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Pics
Morgan went as a Halloween Fairy (whatever that is). I have always dressed up and gone trick or treating with her but this year she informed me that she wanted to go with friends. Okay fine. Sniff. I told her there had to be an adult to go with them and she said "Don't worry, so-and-so's Mom is coming with us" Double sniff. I am aquiring the dreaded 'mommy cooties". I knew it would happen, just wasn't ready for it to happen so soon. Wasn't she just born yesterday? Gosh it sure seems so.
At any rate, she had a good time and got a ton of candy. We had fewer trick or treaters this year, not sure why, so I spent much of the evening chatting with the neighbors while waiting for the next bunch of kids.


Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

"Mommy cooties"...I am dreading that. But I have a few more years to go, hopefully. (Isabelle is 5 and Lorelei is almost 3)
Cute Halloween Fairy! (I've never heard of that either)


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