Sunday, August 20, 2006


I have been enjoying doing this blog. Partly because I have been going through old photos to look for things as I am writing. It's funny to see how we have changed over the years. I have come across photos long forgotten, as well as ones that I remember clearly taking - though I don't know who those young kids are in some of them :) Gawd, Doug and I look 12 in some of those pictures and was Morgan really ever that small???? Seems like yesterday and then again seems like an entirely different lifetime.

This picture was taken at Sandbridge when my father re-married and has always been one of my favorites. I had it blown up to an 8x10 and made a frame out of the shells we collected that day and it hangs on the wall in our den. I wish my scanner did a better job, or that I was better at (or even knew how to use) photo editing software - blogger is giving me fits with enabling the "click on the picture to make it bigger" feature so that's why I added the link. Something about this picture has always made me smile though, it was such a wonderful day and Morgan and her Daddy look so cute.


Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

Nice pic, Michelle.

The black and white made me think it might be you and your dad.


Where's Sandbridge?

I've lost track of boxes and boxes of pics that were at my dad's. I think my brother has them in storage - I worry about all those memories lost, you know?

Blogger Michelle said...

Sandbridge is in VA, part of Va Beach as far as I am concerned. Lovely beach community that used to be miles away from anything but now suburbia is taking over :(

I am not in possession of any pics from my childhood. I should prod my parents for copies of some!

I love black and white photos - esp ones like this one. Ah, the wonders of digital cameras!

Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

Michelle: I found your blog through Laura.
I love the B&W says alot more than meets the eye. A father and his daughter, looking out to the future. Which makes me want to go hug my girls.

Blogger Michelle said...

Hi Susan!

Thanks for stopping by. Isn't Laura's blog great? She's the one that prompted me to start one!

I love B&W photos. And yes, a daddy and his girl - makes me want to hug them both too!!!!

How old are your girls?

Blogger Susan Gets Native said...

My girls are almost 5 and almost 3. But they think they're teenagers.


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