Sunday, August 13, 2006


Introducing Jack. Or Jackson as I usually call him. My friend Eileen is our local HRS rep and does rabbit education/adoption days at Petsmart the first Saturday of every month. I usually try to get up there to visit with her. She rarely has aoptables with her, just pictures, and just brings one of her own bunnies for "demo". But on one fateful Saturday in Sept of 2003 she had 2 bunnies for adoption with her. I petted them and chatted and then went on about my business. I returned home, and couldn't stop thinking about them, the black bunny in particular. So I returned and walked in and said "Okay, what are their names?" Eileen laughed, told me, and knew I was hooked. I went through the store and got all the needed supplies and then, while in the checkout line had a panic attack. What the heck was I thinking? I needed 2 more rabbits like I needed a hole in the head. So I put all the stuff back and went home. Doug was at the house by this time, I was bawling, and he said "Just go get the dang rabbits". So I returned to Petsmart one more time and took home Jack and Pheobe (see Paul's story tomorrow LOL).

Jack is a handsome black Mini-Rex. His fur is so soft it is unbelievable. If you have never petted a rex, you are truly missing out. It's like the softest velvet you can imagine. But he is *very* energetic. He doesn't like for you to approach him, but he will lick my toes and nuzzle my feet while I sit at the computer. Funniest thing about him is that he snores - something awful. When I first brought him home he nearly gave me a heart attack because I walked into the office where he lives and he was in the middle of the floor, flat on his back (kid you not all 4 legs straight up in the air), and I was sure he had keeled over from a heart attack or something. Anyway, he's a great rabbit, loves his phone books, and when you say his name he acts like it tickles his ears.

There have been times I felt like I made a bad decision bringing Jack and Pheobe home, but they bring me so much joy. It is a bit of extra work, but I know they love me and they make sitting at the computer so much more fun :))


Blogger LauraHinNJ said...

I get the feeling that if you see a rabbit - you've got to have it! lol!

Does he still sleep on his back with his legs in the air? omg - that would scare me all the time!

Love the way you say the he acts like saying his name tickles his ears - I know just what you mean ;-) that is very sweet.


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